Full Life Transformational Programme
The programme offers hope, freedom, possibility and empowerment.
Imagine feeling free from within, having a clear vision of your life’s purpose, achieving your goals easily and living your ultimate fulfilled life with confidence.
You’re ready to break free from the trap that you are in and looking at how to go about it?
Our minds are extremely powerful. Your thoughts create your reality. What we believe is a result of what we have been exposed to in life and how we have been affected.
Sometimes we can explain why we have certain beliefs but mostly we have no idea – we just have a particular belief. The question is whether those beliefs are doing you any good, or are they creating a negative reality for you?
Did you know? How we perceive things, and how we behave, is controlled 3{3704eaade51d65de3be864fa00cd1bf4d16721c730bfed135b396d3adef4eaad} by the mind and 97{3704eaade51d65de3be864fa00cd1bf4d16721c730bfed135b396d3adef4eaad} by the sub-conscious mind
Through the transformational life programme you will get to understand how your mind and subconscious mind works. How thinking patterns, conditioning and emotions influence your behaviour and habits, and as a result what you ultimately get out of life.
Ever wondered why you are having the struggles that you have? Everything is based on beliefs, some serve you well and many negative beliefs are sabotaging you. Negativity within you limits your true potential – fact! You can probably give very good reasons for your current situation, and most of the “reasons” will be everything to do with things outside of you; people; politics, finances, weather, circumstances, etc.
Did you know? If you change your thoughts, you can change yourself and change your life!
We generally run on autopilot – doing and reacting automatically. During this life transformation programme we will identify your specific destructive thoughts, beliefs and emotions so that we can work on changing your conditioning allowing you to break free from the trap of negative thinking. I will help you get to identify your biggest inner conflict, negative emotions and limiting beliefs. We will take these limitations through fast and effective processes to create room for new positive behaviour. This will help you escape negative thinking and free you to take control of your life.
Do you ever use any of these words in your thought process?
“I can’t..”, “I am not good enough..”, “I don’t have the right qualification/education..”, “others have it easier …”, “I’m too old ..” “It’s easy for them to say, to do…”, “I don’t have time …”, “with my luck…” etc.
This is all limiting self-talk, based on limiting beliefs stopping you from experiencing your best life now.
You can change the way things are,
You can have what you want,
You can live the life you dream of.
The Full Life Transformation programme will allow YOU to steer your own life! As you get to understand and tap into how the human mind functions you will realise just what unbelievable potential you have. As you get empowered you will experience the difference between making the best of your circumstances and confidently create the life of your dreams. While you go through this truly transformational growth experience you will open your mind to even more possibilities.
The programme will help you to:
- Know what you want to accomplish (personal/career/business/leadership)
- Be in control of your life
- Feel worthy
- Have inner-freedom
- Find direction in life
- Set and achieve life-changing goals
- Be in control of your thoughts and decisions
- Take charge of your life
- Have great self-confidence
- Have strong self-esteem
- Be able to love and accept yourself
- Feel immense inner-joy
- Feel grounded
- Be calm and assertive
- Be in control of your emotions and behaviour
- Let go of the past
- Be positive
- Be free from emotions like fear, anger, guilt, anxiety, doubt, hurt, sadness and depression
- Change from victim to victor mind-set
- Be successful (career, studies, relationships)
- Be incredibly creative
- Have mental clarity
- Discover your true potential
- Have positive relationships
- Live the life that you dream of
Henry Ford said it well ~ “If you think you can or if you think you can’t – you’re right”.
Bottom line, it is totally up to you!!
- 16 hours (minimum of x2 1-hour sessions per week)
- It is advisable to complete the programme within 1 month to experience a quicker results